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T. Frantova

Laocoon and Aphrodite “Rolled Into One”, or Life and Death of Academic Music Studies in the Electronic Era

This article is devoted to the adaptation of musicological studies to the context of cyberspace. The global flow of information available through the Internet gives rise to a set of problems, affecting all spheres of human intellectual activity, including musicology. The author analyses the circumstances that contribute to the active and intensive development of musicological studies, such as free access to an unlimited amount of special information (through Internet repositories, search engines Yandex, Google, etc.), electronic resources of music libraries (for instance – libraries of Rostov State Conservatory). At the same time, the grandiose collections of the Internet, combined with the hard copies of information, which have greatly increased over the past decades, gave rise to the problem of creating universal specialized databases in the field of musicology. The development of special methods of searching for valid musicological sources of information on the Internet is a topical task, which will provide musicology with the necessary tool for the productive development of a new environment of its habitat. In the gigantic information space, which is in a state of permanent change, new conditions for the existence of musical art have formed – informational music, which leads to the need to develop the appropriate analytical instruments of musicology. In the 21st century, the phenomenon of the context of culture and, in particular, the network context, the significance of which begins to in some way exceed the role of the individual author’s statement of the composer, is gaining importance. Thus, the musicology industry faces the task of developing a number of new specializations: a musicologist-bibliographer of electronic resources, a musicologist-programmer, a musicologist-researcher of electronic and computer music, a musicologist-culturologist specializing as a researcher of musical Internet culture of the 21st century. At the same time, the complex of traditional specializations of musicologists (historians, theorists, ethnographers, etc.) retain its importance as an obligatory tool for studying musical art, educating professional musicians and forming the cultural educational environment of society.

Key words

global information space, Internet culture of the 21st century, universal and specialized search networks, new specializations of musicologists in cyberspace.

For citation

Frantova T. Laocoon and Aphrodite “Rolled Into One”, or Life and Death of Academic Music Studies in the Electronic Era // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 97–102.

