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V. Demina

Art decoration of the mass celebration of the First anniversary of the October Revolution in the history of participatory art

The article discusses some questions of the art decoration of the official celebrations of the first years of Soviet power. The main purpose of the article is to trace the specifics of the process of formation of participatory art in the context of the development of Soviet mass celebrations. Exploring the art decoration of the celebration dedicated to the first anniversary of the October Revolution, the author emphasizes the value problem of constructing the space of a revolutionary holiday, which was put forward by futurist artists. Considering the time and space of the October Revolution celebrations, the author traces the experience of decorating entire buildings and squares, held in 1918. The concept of Uritsky Square design by N. I. Altman is considered as the central one. It is noted that the artist, developing a new concept of festive culture, completely rethinks the Baroque and classical architecture of F. Rastrelli and K. I. Rossi of the Palace Square buildings. Having “disguised” the buildings around the square in the style of cubism and futurism, he installed a dynamic futuristic structure in its center, thus changing the appearance of the architectural dominant of the city.

During the research the author uses numerous materials kept in various forms: videos, photos, documenting the main stages of introducing new forms of entertainment culture of the first Soviet celebrations. It is noted that the artists’ need to create a new space of festive activities, which was free from the traditions of “old art” and which was able to reflect the revolutionary ideas of the new state, was expressed in an innovative approach to the organization of the official celebration. In this regard, the author pays special attention to the issue of creating a special sound space of the city, as part of the experimental projects of futurists that could help to form a new community while reconstructing some significant historical events.

Key words

performative practices, history of participatory art, artistic space of the holiday.

For citation

Demina V. Art decoration of the mass celebration of the First anniversary of the October Revolution in the history of participatory art // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 6–11.

