V. Pigulevskiy, L. Mirskaya
Cry of the soul: transgression and its expression
The subject of the analysis in this article is reflection of acute emotions on the verge of death in art. The intention of such artistic works is to overcome the prohibitions and taboos of the European culture. Since the era of Romanticism, the transgression of prohibitions and norms of culture has been carried out in different works of decadence and modernism. In the art of modernism, the problem is transferred to the inner plane of the individual. This is Le Rêve – subjective reality, the concept of which was invented in surrealism. Beyond dreams the death of a person is exposed. This is the limit-experience, the achievement of which causes Angst. The artistic intention is connected with the brutal experience of concentration camps, where music was woven into the conveyor of death. The fear of death resulting from the transgression of the inner irrational life required the creation of works of violent rage on the verge of insanity. Art on the verge of death expresses hysteria and seizures, a paroxysm of fear. The authors of poetry and literature used the method of meditation, composers – serialism. Serialism and surrealism as a combination of rational technique and irrational experience of inner life made it possible to express the horror of death.
Key words
transgression, limit-experience, death, obscenity, surrealism, serialism.
For citation
Pigulevskiy V., Mirskaya L. Cry of the soul: transgression and its expression // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2021. No. 4. Pp. 116–123.