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N. Meshcheryakova

Museum and Music, or Concerts at Mnemosyne’s Palace (To the reviews seven seasons of the enlightenment subscription series “Musical Wednesdays at Gazetny Lane”)

This article analyzes the culturological concept that substantiates the primordial relationship of musical and museum enlightenment. The thesis is affirmed about the proximity and organic interaction of the corresponding ways of artistic reflection of the world, based on a complex of immanent means that are used by these areas of interpretive activity. At the same time, the “museum-centric” ideas of the Russian philosopher N. Fedorov serve as a kind of foundation for the named “integrative” tendencies in enlightenment. The futurological speculations of a Russian religious thinker about the need to form an ideal “universal” museum, expressed at the end of the 19th century, are now perceived as a completely constructive sociocultural forecast, which is becoming self-evidently relevant in the new millennium. N. Fedorov proclaims the museum the “highest instance” of creative activity, the “council of individuals” of various professions, age gradations and socio-cultural preferences. In particular, it refers to the original “council of scientists and artists”, which contributes to the transition of society from a “non-fraternal state” to universal unity, directs and streamlines the various processes of cultural creation in research and educational institutions. The author of the article notes that the “museum-centrism” of N. Fedorov corresponds with the observations of modern musicologists-educators (for example, N. Katonova), who emphasize the apparent conjugation of the deep properties of the artistic and performing process and the dynamic conditions of the museum space in comparison with the traditional statuary philharmonic atmosphere. Based on this, the special communicative significance of musical and creative actions organized in this space and contributing to a very productive “dialogue” between artists and listeners is positioned. Thus, concert performances in the museum environment are extremely valuable for young performers, becoming a true school of communication with the public, and in general – a school of “free arts”. In this aspect, the regional educational project “Musical Wednesdays at Gazetny Lane” is characterized, which has been implemented by the Rostov Conservatory and the Regional Museum of Local Lore since 2015.

Key words

musical enlightenment, regional museum project, academic vocal art, subscription cycle “Musical Wednesdays at Gazetny Lane” in Rostov-on-Don.

For citation

musical enlightenment, regional museum project, academic vocal art, subscription cycle “Musical Wednesdays at Gazetny Lane” in Rostov-on-Don.

