T. Ivanchenko
The role of music in speech therapy lessons for children with disabilities
The article examines the role of music at the lessons of speech therapy rhythmic system, which extends the resources of correctional work with children who have problems in their speech and psychophysical development. In the author’s opinion, the teacher should understand the links of music with human’s nature and the laws of the development of a human being from the position of the functioning of biorhythms.
The conclusion, drawn upon studies of physical scientists and neurologists, leads to understanding the fact that many problems of psychophysical and speech development can be attributes to inconsistent type of synchronization of biorhythms, which is based on the rotation of phases of emotional rise with phases of emotional fall. The author’s investigation has shown that speech therapy rhythmic system is capable of solving a large spectrum of issues, not only the immediate correctional tasks, but also deeper ones aimed at restoration of biorhythmic synchronization, thus affecting particular psychic processes.
An important aspect of the research was the thesis from neurology about the link between inability to sense the rhythm and changes in the left and right semi spheres that are responsible for emotional reaction to rhythm, speech activity and movement activity. That led to the conclusion that speech therapy rhythmic system based on the connection of the word, music, rhythm and movement, can affect the functioning of both semi spheres and encourage their cooperation.
The article displays some points of the author’s methodology aimed at the development of breathing, speech stimulation and physical activity by using special types of music, rhythm and pace. Experiments have shown that rhythmic system is an effective instrument that can be used by music teachers and speech and language therapists in order to help children with disabilities to restore complicated psychic processes and get adapted in social environment.
Key words
speech therapy rhythmic system, biorhythms, musical rhythmic training, hearing music, children with disabilities.
For citation
Ivanchenko T. The role of music in speech therapy lessons for children with disabilities // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2023. No. 1. Pp. 91-96.