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G. Rybintseva, A. Tarasova

“24 Preludes and Fugues” by D. Shostakovich in the context of J. S. Bach’s tradition

In the musical art of the 20th century, there is a tendency to revive the traditions of ancient polyphonic music. The piano cycle by D. Shostakovich “24 Preludes and Fugues” op. 87, which constantly sounds on the concert stage and in the auditoriums of music educational institutions, stands out from the background of the compositions created in this tradition. The demand for the cycle is due to the high artistic value of this work and the wide opportunities that the performing of this cycle and its parts offers to a pianist.

Following the tradition of J. S. Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier”, Shostakovich transformed it in accordance with the realities of the musical culture of his century. Shostakovich used the artistic principles of Bach’s polyphony to create a versatile picture of his contemporary era. It is no coincidence that the composer is called the “chronicler of the 20th century”. He significantly diversified the figurative structure – from solemn-epic and lyric-dramatic to humorous, satirical and even grotesque images – as well as intonation and modal basis of his work, filled the structure of the fugue with elements of the sonata form, imparted large-scale quality to the sound of numerous mini-cycles. Being a symphonic composer, Shostakovich transformed fugues into large-scale epic, lyrical or dramatic canvases.

Similar tasks face performers of his music: to revive the experience of performing polyphonic music, transforming it in accordance with the capabilities of a modern instrument and the experience accumulated by foreign and domestic piano schools. Turning to the cycle allows the pianist to reveal the expressive and technical potential of a modern instrument and demonstrate his professional skills, in particular, his mastery of various techniques of sound production, which make it possible to liken the sound of a grand piano to the timbre variety of a symphony orchestra.

Key words

“24 Preludes and Fugues” by D. Shostakovich, polyphony tradition, J. S. Bach’s “Well-Tempered Clavier”, piano performing art of the 20th century.

For citation

Rybintseva G., Tarasova A. “24 Preludes and Fugues” by D. Shostakovich in the context of J. S. Bach’s tradition // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2023. No. 4. Pp. 62-67.

