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Е. Dukov

The professional concert activity in imperial Russia: the 18th – early 20th century

The article is devoted to the concert activity in Russia before 1917. The article briefly discusses the theory of concert activity, highlighting its main factors, without which it does not exist as a professional activity - the idea of concert in the public consciousness, specific performing forces, schools that nurture them, an understanding public, and the economy. All five basic components are linked in culture into a specific system that can actually be called «concert activity». In the Russian Empire in the XVIII century and before the revolution concert activity existed as non-state, regional cultural structures. The article highlights the co-operative movement, its role in the culture of the Empire and in concert activity in particular. An important role was played by the first consumers’ co-operative «Big Artel», which was founded by Decembrists in 1824 in the Chita stockade. Imprisoned nobles who joined the Artel were decent musicians. They formed an orchestra and a choir, opened a music school, gave concerts, which, along with the convicts, were attended by their guards and local residents. Seven grand pianos were installed in the casemates, and sheet music was sent from all over Europe, thanks to their relatives and friends. «Bolshaya Artel» played a role in spreading the co-operative movement and «intelligent entertainment». The author also considers the practice of People’s Houses, professional concert unions and societies, the role of intelligentsia in the musical enlightenment of the people. On the example of the Moscow Union of Consumer Societies article considers the activity of its Cultural and Educational Commission in the organization of musical knowledge propaganda, as well as the role of professors of the Moscow Conservatory – M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, S. Taneyev, E. Lineva, B. Yavorsky.

Key words

Russian Empire, concert activity, public, professional music schools, People’s House, «Bolshaya Artel», consumers’ co-operative.

For citation

Dukov Е. The professional concert activity in imperial Russia: the 18th – early 20th century // South-Russian Musical Anthology. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 83-91.

