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Victor O. Pigulevskiy

Dr. Sci. (Philosophy)
Rector of the South Russian Humanitarian Institute

Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), professor, member of Russia Designers Association. Graduated from the Kuban State University graduate (Faculty of Art and Graphics) and completed postgraduate course at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Philosophy). From 1980 to 1990 Victor Pigulevsliy was an associate professor at the interuniversity department of Ethics and Aesthetics. From 1990 to 1994 – associate professor at the faculty of Philosophy of Russian State Social University. Since 1994 – rector of South Russian Humanitarian Institute. Ph.D. thesis on “The problem of artistic mastery” (1980). Dr.Sci. thesis on “Aesthetic meaning of irony in art” (1992). Area of research – aesthetic of modernism. The scope of research interests covers various issues of XIX-XX centuries culture. The central topic is irony and fiction in art. Irony of postmodernity, problem of art definition and nature of horror are considered in this context.

Monographs: “Art and Human” (1986), “Symbol and Irony” (1990), “Irony and Fiction: from Romanticism to Postmodernity” (2002), “Practical Aesthetic” (2010), “Design and Culture” (2014), “Visual communication in advertisement and design” (2015), “Art and art-practices” (2019). Electronic publications: “History of Design: Things and Brands” (2018), “Design of visual communications” (2018), “Art and Design: Zeitgeist and Mechanism of Progress”. V. 1, 2. (2019).